Imagine undergoing a complex dental procedure like a root canal, tooth extraction, or surgery without being sedated. Thankfully, you will never have to experience this. Nowadays, you will have no recollection of these types of procedures or the pain experienced because of sedation dentistry in West Loop.

What is Sedation Dentistry?

Sedation dentistry allows your doctor to use medication to treat you in a variety of different ways without the typical pain or anxiety that many experience when visiting the dentist. It is sometimes referred to as “sleep dentistry,” but patients are typically awake unless they undergo general anesthesia.

The Levels of Sedation

There are multiple levels of the sedation that one may receive. First, there is minimal sedation, meaning you are awake but relaxed. There is also moderate sedation, meaning you may not remember much of your procedure. Finally, there is deep sedation, where you are on the edge of consciousness, and general anesthesia, which, of course, means you are unconscious.

What Types of Sedation Are Used in Dentistry?

Inhaled minimal sedation: This involves inhaling a combination of “laughing gas” or nitrous oxide with oxygen through a mask. The gas helps you relax and tends to wear off quickly.
Oral sedation: Oral sedation involves taking a pill, usually about an hour before a procedure. This pill causes drowsiness, but you will still be awake.
IV moderate sedation: This form of sedation involves receiving the drug through a vein.
Deep sedation and general anesthesia: These types of medication make you almost unconscious or totally unconscious during your procedure.
If you’re feeling anxious about your next dental procedure, or you aren’t sure if sedation dentistry in West Loop is right for you, contact us at Pure Dental Spa for more information.

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