This year’s back-to-school checklist: a new pair of sneakers, school supplies, sports equipment and a healthy mouth. Make sure you put your best foot forward in every way this school year, including taking the proper steps to make sure your mouth is as healthy as it can be! The American Dental Association notes that a dental examination is just as important as immunizations. Make sure to schedule a reservation with our dentist in the Chicago Loop or Bloomingdale to make sure your teeth are in good shape.
Here are some other ways to ensure your mouth stays healthy this school year.

Brush & Floss

Brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is a major component of oral health. Fluoride toothpaste is especially effective in making sure no cavities develop. Make sure that your child changes his or her toothbrush once every three months or after they are sick.

Eat Healthy Foods

A healthy diet is not only important in growing up to be strong and healthy, but it is important to a healthy mouth. Try to pack lunches full of grains, vegetables, fruits, yogurt and cheese. Encourage cutting out sugary foods and drinks.

Wear a Mouth Guard

If your child is involved in a sport, especially a contact sport, it is important that they have a properly fitted mouth guard from our dentist in the Chicago Loop or Bloomingdale. Mouth guards are also beneficial if your child likes to play roughly on the playground or during gym class.
If you want more dental health tips or simply need to schedule a reservation with our dentist in the Chicago Loop or Bloomingdale, contact the professionals at Pure Dental Spa today!

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