Teeth grinding, professionally referred to as bruxism, occurs when the top and bottom teeth grind against one another. Occasionally grinding your teeth won’t cause any harm to your smile, but those who constantly grind their teeth together may experience oral health complications including fracturing, loosening or the total loss of teeth. If you’re worried that you grind your teeth too often, schedule a reservation with our dentist in Bloomingdale or West Loop, Chicago today!

Why Does It Happen?

Most people who grind their teeth are not aware that they are doing so, as it often occurs subtly during the middle of the night. Some people may grind their teeth because of built-up stress or anxiety, while others grind their teeth because of an abnormal bite, missing teeth or crooked teeth. Regardless of reasoning, our team will work with you to establish a solution.

Telltale Signs of Bruxism

Teeth grinding most often occurs while you are sleeping, so you may not be aware of this habit if you do it. However, there are particular signs that you are doing this during the night, including a dull, constant headache or a sore jaw. If you sleep next to a significant other, they may even notice the grinding happening during the night as well.

Protecting Your Smile

You may feel like there’s nothing you can do to prevent bruxism from occurring, but this isn’t the case! A mouthguard is an easy solution to help protect your teeth while you sleep, preventing any grinding motion that you naturally try to do. Our dentist in West Loop and Bloomingdale, Chicago can fit you with the right mouthguard.
Reducing stress is another important aspect for many people who grind their teeth. Try working out more often, seeing a stress counselor or getting the right prescription to help your jaw muscles relax.
Don’t suffer from the effects of bruxism any longer. Schedule a reservation with our team at Pure Dental Spa today.

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