Braces have long been used to achieve a straight, healthy smile, but there are many myths that accompany the process of getting them. Our orthodontist in Bloomingdale and West Loop is here to set the record, and your teeth, straight!

Braces Prevent You from Playing Sports

You may have heard that wearing braces interferes with your ability to play sports, as it can result in damage to your mouth. To combat this, it is important to simply wear a mouthguard while you are playing to keep yourself as well as other participants safe. You can get customized mouthguards at both our Bloomingdale and West Loop locations!

Braces Will Give You Permanent Results

It is only natural for our teeth to shift over time, and this holds true even once you have had braces. It is important that you wear your retainer following getting your braces off, because if you don’t, your teeth will gradually begin to shift. You didn’t go through all of that time and effort only to have your teeth shift back into their original position!

Only Kids and Teens Get Braces

While there are many kids and teens who get braces, there are also many adults who get braces as well! In fact, recent studies show more adults are getting braces than ever before! It is never too late to get the smile you’ve always wanted. Your age should never hold you back from reaching your optimal oral health!

There is One Set End Date

Our orthodontist in Bloomingdale and West Loop may give you a rough end date, but know that there are many factors that can change this date. Try not to become too set on a certain date, as it will likely change at least once throughout the process. But, do not let time discourage you! Anything worth having takes time and patients.
Rubber Bands are Optional
Not wearing your rubber bands will only result in a lengthier treatment! Make sure to wear them as directed. Should your rubber bands pop off (which does happen every now and then), you can always come to our office to pick up extras.
Do you have more questions about braces? Contact our orthodontist in Bloomingdale or West Loop to get started!

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