January is a great time to set new goals for yourself for the upcoming year, so why not also consider ways that you can improve your oral health? Our dentist in West Loop and Bloomingdale wants to help make 2019 your healthiest and happiest year yet! It’s not too late to establish New Year’s resolutions that can make all of the difference in your smile.

Reduce Sugar Consumption

If one of your goals was to eat healthier, reducing the amount of sugar in your diet goes hand-in-hand. There is a direct link between the amount of tooth decay that you have and how much sugar you consume. Once you start establishing healthy habits like swapping water for soda, you’ll notice an improvement in your oral health.

Floss More

While you may brush your teeth religiously, make sure you floss at least once per day as well. Brushing your teeth won’t get rid of the small bits of food and plaque that are between your teeth. If you aren’t flossing regularly, start by aiming to floss three times per week and slowly increasing that number to once every day.

Schedule Regular Dentist Reservations

Don’t put off scheduling regular reservations with our dentist in West Loop and Bloomingdale! Seeing our team regularly will help ensure that you are getting the oral care that you deserve. We can also help prevent problems before they occur, leading to less pain and money spent in the long run.
If you slip up on your New Year’s resolutions, remember that you can always start over the next day!

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