Mouth pain is something many people choose to ignore. They put off dealing with the pain until it is intolerable, or it is convenient to deal with. The truth is, there are some scenarios that warrant a trip to the emergency dentist in the Chicago West Loop or Bloomingdale. If you or a loved one find yourself in any of the following scenarios, schedule a reservation with our professionals at Pure Dental Spa.

Your Tooth Got Knocked Out

Accidents happen, including a tooth getting knocked out. Regardless of how it happened, it is best to visit our emergency dentist in the Chicago West Loop or Bloomingdale as soon as possible. Rinse your mouth out with warm water to get rid of any excess blood and make sure that the missing tooth itself is kept inside of your cheek or in a cup of milk to ensure it is salvaged.

Your Tooth is Cracked

Typically, small chips and cracks can wait until normal business hours, but if your tooth has split open, it is something that should be looked at right away. Use your best judgment on whether or not you need to see an emergency dentist in the Chicago West Loop or Bloomingdale. Should you begin feeling sharp, shooting pain, call our office right away as we are available 24 hours a day.

Your Tooth Split Your Lip

In some scenarios, your tooth could end up going through your lip, causing a lot of pain and discomfort. If this is the case for you, seek medical attention immediately! You don’t want your injury to get worse or to become infected by waiting to see a professional.
You may not think about when to visit an emergency dentist until it is too late. Keep the above tips in mind. Contact our professionals at Pure Dental Spa if you need immediate assistance and take advantage of our $59 emergency dentist special!

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