There’s no denying that July is a huge month for travel. Across the globe, families are packing up and heading out for sun-filled vacations to relax and make memories. While vacations are a great time to get away from the real world, it is important to keep up with your oral health while you are away. Before you leave for your next vacation, read these tips from our dentists in the Chicago Loop and Bloomingdale areas.

Be Prepared

First and foremost, don’t forget to pack your oral health essentials! Make sure everyone in your family has a toothbrush packed, as well as toothpaste, floss and mouthwash. This way, you won’t have to rely on anyone else to provide you with the essentials! If driving is your method of transportation, you can even use pits stops as an opportunity to brush or floss.

Let Your Tooth Brush Air Out

When you’re at home, you probably don’t think twice about airing out your toothbrush. But when you’re traveling, it’s easy to leave toothbrushes trapped in a travel container. Once you get to your destination, let your toothbrush air out. Utilizing a plastic bag is a great method of transportation as well.

Snack on Healthy Foods

The food that you eat has a huge impact on how healthy your smile is. Sugary treats tend to linger on the surface of your teeth, which can have a negative impact on enamel. Try to stick to healthy, wholesome snacks like fruits and vegetables. If you have kids, rather than feeding them sugary drinks like juice boxes, give them water instead.
Once you’ve returned home from your vacation, schedule a reservation with our dentists in the Chicago Loop or at our Bloomingdale location.
Source: Colgate

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