Getting straight teeth is not a one-size-fits-all approach. Maybe braces are the best option for you, but you don’t get them on until you’re an adult. Or maybe, you’re a teenager who wants to opt for Invisalign for a more discrete way to straighten your teeth. No matter the path you take, achieving a confident, healthy smile is always worth it! Here are some of the orthodontic services our dentists in the Chicago Loop and Bloomingdale areas have to offer.
In as little as six to 18 months, you can have straight teeth thanks to Invisalign. This series of clear, plastic retainers help guide your teeth into the proper position. Simply pop the retainers out while you are eating but wear them at all other times to ensure they are doing their job. Cleaning them is an important facet of having Invisalign, so make sure to take the time to gently brush them and soak them on a regular basis. Invisalign isn’t for everyone, so our dentists will work with you to see if you are a good candidate.
Traditional Braces
Dating as far back as ancient man, braces have long been used to straighten teeth. Braces apply gentle pressure to your teeth through a series of wires and brackets. You may choose from plastic or ceramic brackets, and lingual braces are placed on the back of teeth and are an option for those who want their braces to be less noticeable.
If you want straight teeth, you’re only a phone call away! Contact Pure Dental Spa to set up a reservation with our professionals at either our dental office in the Chicago Loop or Bloomingdale areas.

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