We get it—it’s impossible to go through your day without stopping at your local coffee shop for that routine caffeine fix. Or maybe you have an afternoon cup of hot tea that helps power you through the rest of your busy afternoon at work. As dentists in downtown Chicago and Bloomingdale, we know the appeal of coffee and tea, but are they harming your teeth? Read below to see some of the effects caffeine has on your teeth.

Enamel Damage

Your enamel keeps teeth strong and healthy. But as it wears off, it makes your teeth more vulnerable to damage and disease. To avoid caffeine coming into contact with your teeth, try drinking your caffeinated beverages through a straw. Or, although it may seem impossible, try getting down on caffeine. Cutting down on caffeinated beverages will ultimately help protect your enamel.


It’s not a myth that caffeine can stain your teeth. When consumed in large amounts, coffee, tea and soda can cause your teeth to appear yellow or even light brown. Regular trips to our dentists in downtown Chicago and Bloomingdale can help protect your teeth from staining.


While this one is a bit more unexpected, caffeine intake is linked to stress and a lack of sleep. In return, this can cause you to clench your teeth while you sleep which leads to jaw pain and pain in your teeth. Try to cut back on caffeine as a whole and, if you are still drinking it, try to stop at least four hours prior to going to bed.
You might be due for a checkup! Our Chicago downtown and Bloomingdale dentists can help clean your teeth to ensure there’s no serious caffeine damage. After all, a healthy mouth is a happy mouth.
Some information courtesy of: Livestrong

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