If you’ve recently become pregnant, congratulations! If you’re feeling overwhelmed about all of the changes that your body is going through, that is completely normal! It’s important that you take the proper steps to care for all parts of your body while you’re pregnant. According to a BMC Oral Health study, 90 percent of women know that gum health is important while pregnant, but only 60 percent take the steps to receive routine oral care while pregnant.

What Changes During Pregnancy?

Women often have more sensitive gums while they are pregnant, as their gums may bleed more often, causing them to feel embarrassed or uncomfortable when visiting our dentist in Bloomingdale or West Loop. Pregnancy also increases the risk of developing certain oral diseases. It’s important to be aware of the warning signs that something more serious is developing while you’re pregnant:
-An increase in bleeding in the gums
-Bad breath
-Pain while eating or chewing
-Deep pockets that develop between the teeth and the gums
-Receding gums
During pregnancy, we recommend that women receive at least three cleanings to make sure that there aren’t any developing problems. Aim to get any major dental work completed before you become pregnant to help keep your mouth healthy.
Our dentist in Bloomingdale and West Loop looks forward to ensuring that you have a healthy mouth during pregnancy. Schedule a reservation with our team to get started.

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