When teeth are decayed or damaged, your dentist might suggest a crown as a way to protect and reinforce them. A crown can even help prevent further damage. Your Bloomingdale or West Loop, IL, dentist might also suggest a crown instead of veneers to improve the look of cracked, chipped or discolored teeth. Regardless of why you might get a crown, most people want to know how it feels to get a crown and whether it hurts.

Thanks to Technology

Thanks to technology and overall advancements in the field of dentistry, crowns don’t hurt and are tolerable for most people. Your dentist, will numb the gum tissue with a local anesthetic to make the procedure more comfortable. When the dentist administers the local anesthetic, most patients describe it as a slight pinch. With same-day crown technology, we start by taking a digital impression of your tooth and you can expect to have the entire process completed during a 1.5-hour appointment. This will save you time and ensure that your tooth is protected right away instead of waiting weeks to get lab results back.

The Process

After the local anesthetic is administered, the tooth is reshaped to receive the crown. A mold of the tooth will be used to create the crown, which is customized to fit the tooth naturally and comfortably. The crown is bonded to make it long-lasting and durable. Afterward, the crown will match the rest of your teeth for a seamless look.

Is a Crown Right for Me?

Now that you know getting a crow doesn’t hurt, you need to find out if it’s right for you. When you visit your dentist at Pure Dental Spa in West Loop or Bloomingdale, IL, for cosmetic dentistry services, ask for a consultation. Your dentist will determine if you’re a good candidate based on the condition of your teeth.

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