Baby teeth are often dismissed as unimportant since kids lose them to make room for adult teeth. It’s incredibly important that baby teeth are taken care of just as adult teeth are. Good oral hygiene early in life sets the stage for oral health down the road. Getting kids in the habit of brushing & flossing regularly sets them up for clean teeth and bright, white smiles. It’s also important to maintain good oral health to prevent tooth decay early on in life that can affect the adult teeth forming in a child’s jaw. Taking care of your little one’s mouth is a full time job, so check out our tips below to keeping your kids’ teeth in tip-top shape!

Healthy Food Options

One of the absolute best things you can do for your child’s teeth is to start them down the path of a lifelong healthy diet. There is so much sugar in much of the food on the shelves in the grocery store, and in kids’ foods especially. Be conscious of what you’re feeding your children. Always opt for the healthy snacks and avoid things like sugary cereals, candy, and treats as much as possible. Veggies & fruits are always a good choice to help your child develop strong teeth. Foods that include calcium, phosphorus, and fluoride are all great for a child’s diet.

Brush Between Snacks

Get your kids in the habit of brushing between snacks and after meals. When a habit starts early enough in life, it can last into adulthood. A proper oral hygiene regimen includes brushing at least twice daily and flossing frequently. You can make brushing and flossing fun for kids by making it into a game or by adding some music!

Dental Visits

New parents often ask us when they should start taking their children to the dentist. Strictly speaking, your child should go to their first dental appointment by his or her first birthday. We recommend seeing a dentist whether or not your child has begun teething, as good oral health is important regardless.
If you need to schedule a reservation for your child in either Chicago or Bloomingdale, contact Pure Dental Spa today! Our friendly staff is great with kids and know just what they need to feel comfortable at the dentist’s office. You can schedule online or call to book your reservation.

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