It is no question that smoking or chewing tobacco can cause a multitude of health issues. Although tobacco usage is at an all-time low, dentists still see the damaging effects on patient’s teeth all too frequently. Below is a summary about the dangers of tobacco and your oral health.

Tobacco and Discoloration

While tooth enamel is the hardest substance in the human body, it is still not strong enough to sustain the toxicity of tobacco. Those who smoke and chew tobacco are likely to develop tooth discoloration. The discoloration and stains are caused by the nicotine and tar in the tobacco. Nicotine is originally colorless but then turns yellow when it combines with oxygen. The dark, nasty chemicals in tobacco tar can also paste your teeth and cause serious decay. By scheduling a professional cleaning at Pure Dental Spa, we will be able to remove most of the staining on the outer layer of the tooth’s surface. Discoloration is a minor side effects compared to the severity of health issues related to tobacco use.

Detrimental Side Effects

The toxicity in the chemical makeup of tobacco can lead to a variety of oral health ailments. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), tobacco use is directly linked to oral cancer, periodontal disease (gum disease), tooth loss and congenital defects (2017). The damaging chemical composition of tobacco will eat away at the tooth’s healthy enamel and roots. Tooth loss becomes all too common among long-term smokers. To replace missing teeth, patients will find themselves requiring implants or dentures in Bloomingdale or a city nearby. If you want to preserve your time and money, stay away from tobacco and you will prevent the need for dentures from Bloomingdale dentists.
In addition to teeth loss, oral cancer is an obvious threat to tobacco users. There are 28 chemicals found in chewing tobacco alone that are known to increase the risk of mouth, throat, and esophagus cancer. The longer you smoke or chew tobacco, the more you increase your risk of developing oral cancers.

Dental Check Ups

If you are a tobacco user, it is crucial you visit the dentist at least two visits per year. At Pure Dental Spa, we can clean the tar and plaque buildup from your teeth and spot early signs of cancer. We highly recommend all our patients to be screened for oral cancer at least once a year. Through the use of Velscope, our dental health professionals are able to detect early signs of cancer. If you have already experienced a large amount of decay from tobacco or would like to receive a Velscope screening, our dental office offers professional services from teeth cleaning to dentures in Bloomingdale and West Loop Chicago. Contact Pure Dental Spa to schedule your next reservation.

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