Say ah! Ever wonder why a doctor checks your tongue at a checkup? It’s because your tongue can say a lot about not only your oral health, but your general health as well. Below are some of the different indications your tongue may be giving about your health.

Bright Red

Aside from having just eaten a cherry popsicle, your tongue appearing bright red may indicate a deficiency of iron or certain vitamins in your body. A lack of vitamin B12, in particular, may cause your tongue to turn this color. Vitamin B12 is found most commonly in meats, so vegetarians and vegans are especially susceptible to deficiencies.


Brown or dark colors on your tongue are a sign of poor oral hygiene. Specifically, it is a sign that your mouth is harboring bacteria. Your tongue may be darkly colored because of foods or beverages you’ve consumed such as coffee or from habits like smoking. This is most commonly combated by simply brushing your tongue with your toothbrush or using a tongue scraper. Keep up on brushing regularly and using mouthwash to avoid this.


If your tongue is white in color, it could mean that you have a yeast infection in your mouth called thrush. This is something you’ll want to have looked at. People who are at higher risk for thrush include young children, older people, those with diabetes, and those who have undergone chemotherapy treatment. See your doctor as soon as you can for this condition.

Your Oral Health

Your oral health is one of the best indicators of your overall health. Keeping your mouth, teeth, and tongue healthy is a great start to overall wellness. To get a dental checkup to see if your oral health is on track, schedule your reservation with Pure Dental Spa today!
Courtesy of http://www.doctoroz.com/slideshow/what-your-tongue-says-about-your-health

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